Dynamic Duos for Mallets

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Revision as of 03:42, 12 September 2022 by Rubyng2004 (talk | contribs)
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Angela Kepley

General Info

Year: 2022
Duration: 00:10:30
Difficulty: Elementary to Intermediate
Publisher: C. Alan Publications
Cost: $30.00


1. Sophie The Spy
2. Molly And Jojo
3. Burn
4. Layla
5. The Fall Harvest
6. Flatjacks
7. Run For It
8. The Oddly-Shaped Cave


Player 1: Glockenspiel & Xylophone & Vibraphone & Marimba
Player 2: Glockenspiel & Xylophone & Vibraphone & Marimba

Program Notes

Dynamic Duos for Mallets is a collection for keyboard instruments ([Glockenspiel]], Xylophone, Vibraphone, Marimba) that is accessible for young percussionists while being musically interesting for both players and audiences. Through the use of multiple key signatures, time signatures, tempos and moods, students can work on important rhythmic figures, identify melodic and rhythmic patterns, and work on their natural movement across the instruments.




Commercial Discography

Online Recordings

Recent Performances

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Works for Percussion by this Composer


Bon Voyage - Marimba
Reflections (Kepley) - Marimba

Small Ensemble

1-21 - Percussion Quartet
And we meet again - Percussion Quintet
From the Inside Out - Percussion Quartet
Matafnik - Percussion Trio
Quintessential Quintets - Percussion Quintet
Syncoshift - Percussion Quartet

Flexible Percussion Ensemble

Battle Royale
Get Hyped!

Percussion with other Instrument

Duet for Horn & Marimba (Kepley) - Horn and Marimba

Additional Resources
