Shadows (FInk)
General Info
Year: 1988
Duration: c. 9:40
Difficulty: (see Ratings for explanation)
Publisher: Benj-Simr
Cost: Score and Parts - $0.00 | Score Only - $0.00
Player I: marimba
Player II: vibraphone
Program Notes
Subtitled "Three Scenes for Marimba and Vibes," these three 'impressions" are, in the words of the publication ". . . for two Mallet. Percussionists with differentiated characterization. The first scene, "Walking," written for two marimbists playing on one instrument, has decidedly jazz flavor, derived by melodic material based, in part on a blues scale and dotted, shuffle-like rhythms in the second ma. rimba. A special sound in this movement results from the second marimbist playing a rhythm on the edge of the ban with the handle of the mallet. "Dreaming," the second scene, is in the style of a ballad, with the melody given to vibraphone and an accompaniment of both four-note vertical and arpeggiated chords in the marimba. The harmonic language is simple, using three chords, tonic, supertonic, and dominant in the key of f minor. The tonality of the last scene, "Changing," like that of the first, is c minor. Both players again share the same marimba. The second marimbist plays an ostinato sixteenth note bass pattern, which winds its way through several different meters, but in a constant piano dynamic level. Both parts utilize melodic material derived from the same pentatonic scale. The treble voice is constantly manipulated, so that it coordinates with the ostinato bass Pattem on a continuously changing basis. The music, the reader is informed, reflects two differentiated characters. These characters are described as: "pushing" and "forward" in the first scene; "singing" and 'dreamt" in the second scene, and "meditative" and "inner" in the last scene. Furthermore, the reader is told, (in performing this music) "it is necessary to precisely interpret and bring across the proper atmosphere." If interpretation of this music is so vitally linked to an understanding of the antithetical nature of the "differentiated characters- of players I and 2, the performers are in a great deal of trouble. Perhaps something is lost in the German to English translation, but even so, more information should be provided. The performance instructions in the publication are unclear and of absolutely no help in understanding and interpreting the music. Moreover, an examination of the music itself does not solve the problem. - John R. Raush, Spring 1990[1]
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Works for Percussion by this Composer Wechsel des Entfaltens und Verschließenstle - Multiple Percussion; Organ
4 Encores Papillon Nr. 1-4 - Vibraphone
Allegretto (Fink) - Timpani
Allegro Vivace (Fink) - Timpani
Alternation: Scenes and Variations - Multiple Percussion
Batu Ferringhi - Marimba
Beat the Beat - Drumset
Cadenza - Snare Drum (Fink) - Snare Drum
Cadenza - Timpani (Fink) - Timpani
Concertino für Vibrafon und Klavier - Vibraphone; Piano
Concertino für Vibrafon und Streichorchester - Vibraphone; Orchestra
Conga Negro (Solo) - Multiple Percussion - Hand Drum
Conversations for Tape and Percussion - Multiple Percussion; With Tape
Courante (Fink) - Snare Drum
Cymbalism - Drumset
Dance (Fink) - Drumset
Darabukka Suite - Multiple Percussion - Hand Drum
Dialoge für Gitarre und Percussionsklange - Multiple Percussion; Guitar; (Graphic Notation)
Divertimento (Fink) - Timpani
Drum-Set-Suite - Drumset
Duo Concertante (Fink) - Vibraphone; Guitar
Ecossaise - Snare Drum
Episode (Fink) - Timpani
Etudes de Lux - Marimba
Etudes in Jazz for Percussion Solo - Multiple Percussion
Foote Steps - Drumset
Frame Work - Drumset
Friska - Snare Drum
Gaillarde (Fink) - Snare Drum
Game for Two - Multiple Percussion; Accordion
Gigue (Fink) - Snare Drum
Horeb - Multiple Percussion
Impression (Fink) - Timpani
Impression Nr.1 für Flote und Vibrafon - Vibraphone; Flute
Improvisation und Umkehrung - Vibraphone
Intern. Soli: Pauken - Timpani
Jasmin I/II (Two Chinese Impressions) - Multiple Percussion
Jobe's Tune - Drumset
Jongo - Snare Drum
Junior's Beat - Drumset
Junior's Speed - Drumset
Junior's Time - Drumset
Konzert für Percussion und Streichorchester - Multiple Percussion; Strings
la valse des timbales - Timpani
Ludi a Timpano - Timpani
Machine-Drums - Drumset
Marcia - Snare Drum
Marsch - Timpani
Motion-Pictures - Multiple Percussion; With Tape
Motion-Pictures I & II - Percussion Duo; With Tape
Musical Etudes for the Advanced Timpanist - Timpani
Pa Lux - Snare Drum
Pauken-Suite - Timpani
Percussio Antiqua - Multiple Percussion
Percussion Improvisation - Multiple Percussion; With Tape
Recitativ (Fink) - Timpani
Reflektionen - Multiple Percussion; Guitar; Accordion
Rockin' Timpani - Timpani
Rondell 1 - Multiple Percussion
Rondino - Snare Drum (Fink) - Snare Drum
Rondino - Timpani (Fink) - Timpani
Rondo (Fink) - Timpani
Rotation (Fink) - Multiple Percussion; Clarinet
Salut de Geneve - Snare Drum
Salut de Serdika - Multiple Percussion
Salut de Sofia - Multiple Percussion
Scherzo (Fink) - Timpani
Serenade In Percussione - Percussion Trio; Clarinet; Bass
Seven Pieces for Marimba - Marimba
Sight Reading and Audition Etudes - Snare Drum
Signature - Drumset
silent...vibration - Multiple Percussion
Sixteen (XVI) Etudes - Multiple Percussion
Solobuch für Drum-Set - Drumset
Solobuch für Kleine Trommel - Snare Drum
Solobuch für Pauken, 1 - Timpani
Solobuch für Pauken, 2 - Timpani
Sonate für Kleine Trommel - Snare Drum
Sonatine - Timpani (Fink) - Timpani
Sonatine - Snare Drum (Fink) - Snare Drum
Spanish Dance (Fink) - Marimba Quartet
Spiegelungen à 2 - Multiple Percussion; Flute
Statement - Drumset
Stress - Percussion Trio
Studien für Pauken, Heft 1: Unterstufe - Timpani
Studien für Pauken, Heft 2: Mittelstufe - Timpani
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Toccatina - Timpani
Toccatina für Triangle - Triangle
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Triplet (Fink) - Snare Drum
Trommel-Suite - Snare Drum
Two On One - Percussion Duo
Variations (Fink) - Drumset
Varius - Timpani
Vibracussion II - Timpani
Vibrafon-Suite - Vibraphone
Vier Skizzen - Multiple Percussion
Percussion Ensemble
Até-Logo - Percussion Quartet
Bagatelle (Fink) - Percussion Duo; Piano (2)
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Concerto (Fink) - Marimba Quartet
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Conga Negro - Percussion Duo
Dello-Bar - Percussion Octet
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Divertimento für Vibrafon und Marimba - Percussion Duo - Vibraphone/Marimba
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Duo für Vibrafon und Marimba - Percussion Duo - Vibraphone/Marimba
Duo für Drum-set - Percussion Duo; Drumsets
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Fuge (Fink) - Percussion Trio
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Images para percusion (Flute) - Percussion Quartet; Flute
Interactions - Percussion Quartet - Variable Instrumentation
Jeux pour quatre - Percussion Quartet
Kanonade - Percussion Quartet
Kreuzpunkte - Percussion Trio
Marcha del Tambor - Percussion Sextet
Marche Funèbre - Percussion Septet
Marimbula - Percussion Duo - Vibraphone/Marimba
Menora - Percussion Sextet
Metallophonie - Percussion Quartet
Mini Musik - Percussion Duo
Naphegy Trio - Percussion Trio
Ostinati Machina - Percussion Sextet
Paderissimo - Percussion Quartet
Percussion Improvisation (Duo) - Percussion Duo
Percussion Movie - Multiple Percussion; Percussion Quartet
Pictures for Percussion - Percussion Quartet
Plaisanterie - Percussion Sextet
Ritmo - Percussion Septet
Shadows - Percussion Duo - Vibraphone/Marimba
Timing for Percussion - Percussion Quartet
Toccatina pour six percussionistes - Percussion Sextet
Top-Kapi - Percussion Quartet
Triga Percutens - Percussion Trio
Trio Oriente - Percussion Trio
Trio Ostinato - Percussion Duo; Clarinet
Trommel - Duo - Percussion Duo - Snare Drum
Trommel - Duo: Variationen uber den Bulgarischen Ratzenizza - Percussion Duo - Snare Drum
Trommeltanz für 4 Tomtoms, Kontrabass, 3 Posaunen - Percussion Quartet; Chamber Ensemble
Vibracussion - Vibraphone; Percussion Ensemble; Piano
Vier deutsche Tanze - Percussion Sextet
Zulu Welcome - Percussion Sextet
Zwolf Leichte Studien - Percussion Quartet
Additional Resources