Category:Percussion Quintet
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Percussion Quintets Sorted by Composers
Percussion Quintets - Compositions for 5 percussionists.
Pages in category "Percussion Quintet"
The following 386 pages are in this category, out of 386 total.
- Babcock, Michael
- Ballard, Louis W.
- Balázs, Oszkár
- Bamert, Matthias
- Barber, Clarence E.
- Barlow, Cynthia
- Barnes, Milton
- Barnett, Wally
- Beck, John H.
- Beck, John R.
- Becker, Bob
- Becker, John J.
- Bellson, Louis
- Bergamo, John
- Bergman, Erik
- Berlioz, Gérard
- Bernard, Richard
- Bernstein, David S.
- Berryman, Grace
- Beyer, Johanna
- Bilik, Jerry
- Billman, David
- Birkenkötter, Jörg
- Blauth, Brenno
- Blount, Robert
- Blume, Brian
- Bobak, Mark
- Boganen, Jacco
- Bomhof, Gert
- Boo, Michael
- Bothwell, Donald
- Boudreau, Michelle
- Boxall, Jane
- Boyd, Anne
- Brands, Nico
- Brazauskas, Paul
- Brettingham-Smith, Jolyon
- Brisman, Heskel
- Brooks, Chris
- Brooks, Richard
- Broström, Tobias
- Brown, Jonathan
- Brown, K. Allen
- Brown, Thomas A.
- Bryce, Eric
- Buggert, Robert
- Buonomo, Aldo
- Burritt, Michael
- Butts, Carroll M.
- Cacioppo, George
- Cage, John
- Cahn, William
- Cale, Richard W.
- Campbell, Mathew
- Camps, Nico
- Cangelosi, Casey
- Cantu, Carlos M.
- Carey, David
- Carvalho, Dinorá de
- Cerqueira, Fernando
- Christensen, Jon
- Christian, Bobby
- Cichy, Roger
- Cirone, Anthony
- Clark, Owen
- Clark, Robert Keys
- Cleman, Tom
- Coleman, Gary
- Colgrass, Michael
- Collins, Harrison
- Constant, Marius
- Cope, David
- Corcoran, Gary
- Coutanson, Guy
- Cowell, Henry
- Crauwels, Eric
- Crockarell, Chris
- Cunningham, Michael G.
- Dao, Nguyen-Thien
- Daugherty, Machael
- Daugherty, Michael
- Daughtrey, Nathan
- Davidovsky, Mario
- Davila, Lalo
- Davis, Thomas L.
- Deane, Christopher
- Deason, David
- DeLio, Thomas
- DeLise, Louis Anthony
- Denecke, Henry
- DePue, Wallace
- Deschenes, Bruno
- Dietz, Brett
- Dittgen, Brandon
- Dotson, James
- Drummond, Dean
- Duynhoven, Martin Van
- Gaetano, Mario
- Ganz, Rudolph
- Gastyne, Serge de
- Gauger, Thomas
- Geary, Aidan
- Gefors, Hans
- Gerhardts, Nils
- Gibb, Stan
- Gibson, John
- Giefer, Willy
- Giesecke, Mark Andreas
- Gilbert, Donald K.
- Gillingham, David
- Glassock, Lynn
- Goodwin, Gordon
- Grady, Jerry Wayne
- Grahn, Ulf
- Grela H., Dante Gerardo
- Grimo, Steve
- Griswold, Eric
- Guézec, Jean-Pierre
- Habets, Frank
- Hakim, Talib Rasul
- Hall, Carl-Axel
- Hampton, Ralph
- Hankins, James
- Harada, Keiko
- Harber, Stephen R.
- Harr, Haskell
- Harrison, Lou
- Hartley, Walter
- Hatch, Earl
- Hauquier, Philippe
- Hauta-aho, Teppo
- Hayasaka, Fumio
- Hayek, Arthur W.
- Healey, Derek
- Hearnes, John R.
- Hegdal, Magne
- Heim, Alyn
- Heney, John J.
- Heussenstamm, George
- Hibbard, William
- Higdon, Jennifer
- Hiller, Wilfried
- Hinkle-Turner, Elizabeth
- Hirose, Ryohei
- Hochmann, Klaus
- Holmes, Reed
- Hopkins, Matthew
- Horvit, Michael
- Houghton, Steve
- Houllif, Murray
- Hovhaness, Alan
- Howden, Moses Mark
- Huang, Wan-Jen
- Hubbell, Fred M.
- Hulick, Terry
- Hung, Chien-Hui
- Husa, Karel
- Hvoslef, Ketil
- Kagel, Mauricio
- Kanno, Yoshihiro
- Karkoff, Ingvar
- Kasper, Kevin
- Katzer, Georg
- Kechley, David
- Keezer, Ronald
- Keown, Alan
- Kerr, Harrison
- Kessner, Daniel
- Kieffer, Olivia
- Kil, Peter
- Killmayer, Wilheim
- Kim, Cheong-Mook
- Klerkx, Win
- Knijn, Fred M.
- Kobashi, Minoru
- Kondo, Jo
- Kopelent, Marek
- Koper, Karl-Heinz
- Korf, Anthony
- Kovins, David
- Kowalski, Michael
- Koyle, Gregg
- Kraft, William
- Kratochwil, Heinz
- Krause, Kenneth
- Kregel, Martin
- Kreutz, Robert
- Kruyf, Ton de
- Kuri-Aldana, Mario
- Kushida, Tetsunosuke
- Kuzell, Christopher
- Kyllonen, Timo-Juhani
- Rack, John
- Rae, Allan
- Rago, James
- Ramovs, Primoz
- Rapp, John
- Raskatov, Alexander
- Rauschenberg, Dale
- Razey, Don
- Rechberger, Herman
- Regner, Hermann
- Reich, Steve
- Reichert, James
- Resseger, Robert
- Rettew, Jeff
- Rice, Thomas
- Robnett, David
- Rodriguez, Robert Xavier
- Roode, Chris
- Rosauro, Ney
- Ross, Don
- Ross, Walter
- Rossé, François
- Rouse, Christopher
- Roy, J. Michael
- Runnels, Joe
- Russell, Armand
- Russell, William
- Samkopf, Kjell
- Samuelsson, Marie
- Sanford, Richard
- Sarcich, Paul
- Schelle, Michael
- Schidlowsky, León
- Schinstine, William
- Schirripa, Marco
- Schlenk, John
- Schoonenbeek, Kees
- Schory, Richard
- Segerstam, Leif
- Senn, Daniel
- Serebrier, José
- Sherr, Laurence
- Shiner, Kristen
- Shoaff, Truman
- Siegel, Wayne
- Silsbee, Ann
- Silva, Adelaide Pereira da
- Skaggs, Mark
- Skidmore, David
- Skjelbred, Bjorn Bolstad
- Smales, Joel
- Smith, J.B.
- Smith, Stuart Saunders
- Snider, Robert C.
- Sommen, Rob van der
- Spears, Jared
- Stadler, Werner
- Starer, Robert
- Staub, Volker
- Stengert, Gerhard
- Stone, George Lawrence
- Stout, Alan
- Stucky, Steven
- Sugihara, Kyohei
- Sutcliffe, James
- Swinstead, Felix
- Syverud, Stephen
- Takemitsu, Toru
- Tamba, Akira
- Tananbaum, Elias
- Tatgenhorst, John
- Tautenhahn, Gunther
- Taylor, Clifton
- Tenney, James
- Testoni, Giampaolo
- Thamm, Duane
- Timm, Kenneth
- Tipei, Sever
- Tircuit, Heuwell
- Tittle, John Stephen
- Tomotani, Koji
- Tompkins, Joseph
- Tower, Joan
- Tsouyopoulos, George
- Tuominen, Seppo
- Tyson, Blake